Boolean Subtraction for multiple stripes

Given a design:

which we wish to:

I want to superimpose the dancer on the flag and use Boolean subtraction to remove the stripes in the dancer’s body.

Select the dancer (as shown above) by clicking on it ---- it will flash/highlight when the cursor is in the right position:

Set the parameters to:

Distance: 0.125
Offset Direction: Outside


Select the one of the stripes by clicking on it, and then shift-click on the outline geometry so that it is highlighted in a dashed pattern indicating it is the key object:

and choose "Boolean Subtraction:

At this point there are two options:

  • allow the original vectors to vanish, necessitating re-doing the outlining
  • keep the original vectors and delete the original stripe

(we will do the latter by checking the relevant box)


Zoom in and select the stripe which is no longer needed:

and delete it:

Repeat the selection process of stripe, and then shift-click on outline:

and repeat the Boolean Subtraction:

(re-checking the “Keep Original Vectors” checkbox)


repeat until one arrives at:

at which point the offset geometry may be selected:

and deleted:


I would also note the need for placement of the object. In this case the hands of the ballerina. Leaving it too close to the edge will leave a very thin fragile piece of wood.

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