Boolean subtraction from flag stripes in background

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Given a design:

we need to offset it to the outside using Offset Vectors:


Then shift-click on the outer geometry to remove it from the selection:

and delete it:

Selecting the stripes:

we see that there are seven vectors, so we ungroup them:

Select the outer geometry:

copy it, move the cursor out of the drawing area, then paste it six times to make a total of 7 instances all stacked on top of one another:

Select a stripe:

Shift-click on one of the outlines to add it to the geometry as a key element:

Then use Boolean Subtraction:


and repeat that process for each stripe until one arrives at:

One concern is that the stripes and the field for the stars touch — it would be better/easier if they were separated, so repeat this with a rectangle of a suitable width:

It is now possible to add surrounding geometry:

Select everything:

and do an Advanced V carving with Pocket Clearing:

An optional feature would be to restore the inset geometry which was previously deleted and add it to the toolpath:

Naturally the tool used and depth cut to may be adjusted as desired.

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