Brand new to cnc and looking to buy

Sorry sometimes I only scan posts. Work holding has a lot of options. Some use the painters tape and super glue. Others use the tall clamps. I like cam clamps made out of oak. There are the Tiger Claw clamps and stops from Carbide3d and the Gator clamps. Suckit made the oops low profile clamps. Plus there are many more commercial clamps. I like low profile clamps to keep retract height low.

These were designed by Myers Woodshop.

I use a spoilboard with 2 inch spacing with 1/4-20 5/16 inch tee nuts.


btw many posts about clamping don’t talk about it… but if you use downcut endmills (as opposed to the typical upcut) your work holding solution has less to do… the endmill ends up pushing the work down rather than pulling it up, which means you don’t quite need as sturdy a solution…


I pushed the buy button last Monday. I am currently in the middle of my build and should have it completed today. I am quite excited for my journey. The support on the forums and through the Facebook pages are completely top notch. The build had me slightly intimidated, and thus far has been quite easy. The instruction manual is very well written and doesn’t make it hard at all.


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