Brand new - What to purchase

Hello everyone.
I’ve been reading and watching videos on hobby cnc machines. Its been a little overwhelming with machine cost a low as several hundred dollars. I pretty much decided on the 5 Pro since I’m looking for the best turnkey solution. Just getting it for fun projects right now not knowing where it will lead down the road.

Other than what comes with the machine, what are your suggestions for other things I’ll need to pickup to get started. I basically just have the shop, workbench and computer.

What about the VFD upgrade kit?


We are having this discussion right now, see:

The VFD is awesome — if it suits your budget and the work you wish to do — it’s a bit more expensive than a trim router.

What do you consider a fun project? What materials? How do you wish to approach them?

I’ll probably start out with simple projects such as signs and trays out of wood. Easy non complicated stuff at 1st as I have no experience.

I saw a cool looking flag made out of MDF with stars, stripes and engraving that looked cool.

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Once you get a CNC, you will have plenty of things to pick from :slight_smile:

Check that other thread, some good stuff in there. Also tons of videos online showing how to use the various software available and things to look out for on the CNC, and this community is great as well.


This summer I purchased the 4x4 5Pro with the VFD upgrade. Hands down super happy with it. It’s all been very solid and reliable. I knew nothing about CNC before this summer and I still have a TON to learn, but it has been a very fun process on a great machine. I also upgraded to Carbide Create pro and so far it’s taken care of almost all my needs.


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