Brass Branding Iron SO5 Pro

So I am new to machining brass or metal in particular. I see the kit form Carbide3D for a branding iron (Branding Iron Kit - Carbide 3D). I would like to get the rectangle one and create something with my logo. Any tips from Shapeoko 5 Pro users and using carbide create to do it?

Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated!

Make your design out of hardwood or plastic first.


100% agree with @CrookedWoodTex .
Do some/many/enough tests to get the design and layout right before touching the brass.

Carbide has some videos on cutting metals/brass, watch those and do a thorough search on the forum here for milling brass branding irons, most likely someone has posted their recipes on speed and feed.

Cool, I will follow that sage advice!

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