BUG - CC is STILL slotting pockets

Just downloaded 777 to try the new inlay functionality.

CC is still slotting pockets - executing its cut plan depth first instead of breadth first.

We’re told to avoid slotting by creating pockets, but it doesn’t work.

The very first thing this file does is slot the perimeter of the pocket.

Welsh Side View.c2d (144 KB)

It’s been broken since Nov 2022.

I think if you stick to 10% extra added for the pocket definition it works but if you go over that it acts as you describe.

The pocket here is a clearing operation for an inlay. I have no control over it’s size.

Use a smaller bit?

rest of twenty.

Changing to a 1/8" bit changes the cut plan so there are no slots, BUT it’s still being cut incorrectly - depth first instead of breadth first.

Regardless, it doesn’t matter if fiddling with it reveals a workaround - the cut plan is fundamentally broken.