BUG: Pocket operations cutting as slots II

BUG: Pocket operations cutting as slots (closed)

What’s up with this issue. It almost got me yesterday. Thankfully I had edited & inserted some stops in my program & ran an air cut to test those out.

I must say, even when fixed this is not an ideal option for profiling. Better would be a “multiple passes” option for the Contour path with either “number of passes” or “Blank Stock”, either of which uses the tools stepover. Combined with Climb Cutting this would be super cool!!! :smiley:

The only time “Depth First” should be an option for this type of path would be if the stock is cut close to the profile, and you are just removing a small amount of stock. However, we would need to be able to control which side of the pocket the path starts on. The side away from the finished wall. In my paths yesterday, it slotted the side near the part first, then the side away from the part.

“Depth First” is an option in other CAM software to control what happens when you are cutting more than one pocket or region. “Depth First” would cut a single region all the way to the bottom, then move to the next region. Where “Level First” would cut all pockets at the first level, then move to the next level.

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