Bugreport [754] Engraving: Changing feedrate changes stepover

When editing a engraving toolpath to change the feedrate, the stepover reserts/gets changed

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set up an engraving toolpath, bit 201 and set a stepover of 0.25 in the main toolpath dialog (not the tool dialog)
  2. As a 2nd step, now open this toolpath again using the edit option
  3. Go into the tool dialog and change the feedrate from 75ipm to 35ipm (full width cut after all) and complete the dialog
  4. Notice how in the main engraving toolpath dialog the stepover is no longer 0.25" even though only the feedrate changed

(Side note: I have also not quite figured out how the stepover in the tool dialog and the main engraving dialog relate to eachother)


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