Build 618 v. 636

So I’m not sure what the issue is. My laptop has CM build 618 on it and everything runs fine.
I requested a PC here at school (so the kids don’t use my lap top for nonsense) and the IT person loaded 636 on it.
I cannot ZERO the end mill like I could in 618. I can click on X.Y.Z to zero all.
When I try, instead of coming up to the bit setter, the machine goes back to the right corner and try’s to set back there.
I entered the “new Machine” parameters and it didn’t help.
I am forgetting the step to jog over to the bit setter. Do you think that is why I can’t get it going correctly?
Thanks in advance.


If that doesn’t address this, write up a step-by-step with screen grabs showing what you are doing at each machine.

Also, though it’s not included in the bug list, there’s no reason not to have the IT guy get the laptop updated to 640 just to eliminate the potential for any other unexpected issues.

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I’ll go through this process (again) to see what I missed. I’ll video it if it doesn’t fix the problem.
Thanks for your help.

I went through the process again and it worked!
One thing I noticed is after you set ZERO and ZERO ALL, it start moving even before you hit DONE.
So what’s the difference between 636 and 640?
(4 numbers?)

3D test and a crash fix and change in arc time calculation:

Build 640

Fix Rare crash when reporting a GRBL error during probing was fixed.

Build 639

Fix Error in toolpath time estimates for arcs.

Build 638

Fix Fixed crash in last release if you didn’t click on the “3D Test” tab.

Build 637

New We added a “3D Test” tab in the Inspect Toolpath window. Please click on it and tell us if your window is blank or if you get a crash.

New Eliminate “return to probe position” after BitSetter routine.

Fix Add .nc to the filename when saving G-code

I’ll get out IT guys to load it
I’ll try it myself, but I may get blocked.
Thanks for your help.
One other thing.
Can I turn the spindle on and move the spindle back and forth to do some quick surfacing?
Without writing a program?

Enabling the spindle and jogging used to be possible, but that was disabled out of safety considerations.

Thanks for the reply.