My hope is to be able to use the Model function to create a relief carving. Since this involves a lot of trial and error I’ve been using the new Version 8 Pro to make tweaking things a lot easier. So far, I have to say results have ranged from bad to worse. Attached is the V8 c2d c-130J V8 Model.c2d (3.6 MB)
I’ve tried a number of tweaks, but at the Toolpath Preview, they all look pretty crappy.
My Plan “B” has essentially been to trace key lines from the picture. That has worked pretty well except for the propellers. No idea what shutter speed may have been used but some blades are quite clear and some are pretty fuzzy. And then there’s the blade pitch. It all makes tracing them a bit problematic. Maybe I’m just recognizing that I need to vary the blade width depending on the blade position. That’s really a totally separate issue. Will spend time redoing the blades. Below is Line drawing, which is definitely something that I can do. Use different bits (primarily 60° and 90° V-Bits) and varying depths ranging from .02" to .06" or thereabouts. The various colors are simply to make drawing / tracing easier for me.
Search for “c 130j 3d model”. Some may require money, and some are free with licence conditions.
You can then create a Bas Relief from a download (stl or obj are typical) using software tools, of which there appear to be some paid tools online, vcarvePro, or 3D modelling tools that will require extra work. Search this forum for “bas relief.”
Pick the best looking prop & trace & copy it. As for the 3D model, I’m with Andy. Find a good 3D model, orient it the way you want, then import it at your specific height.
This is 3D model reoriented to a similar view as above, and scaled down to 3/4" height.
Cut into a 1" thick stock. The model didn’t have props or lettering. They would have to be added.
i do not have CC Pro, so I can not help there. Do you see a preview of the model ?
The image is 640 x 500 pixels. I used 1 mm for each pixel and 8 mm for the overall height.
The STL is saved in inches ( the problem ? ) and is 25.315 x 19.645 x 0.390 (z)
@SDGuy has a link for a model that would probably allow more manipulation options.
The original image is small (644x500) pixels.
It would probably look better if scaled down enough, but that my be too small.
A larger image would be better.
What is the intended plaque size ?
Has anyone opened the STL successfully in CC Pro ?
When you opened the file in 3D Builder, did you simply ignore the error message in the corner? Will - I accepted the Repair option and it’s been running for 20 minutes. Using 14% - 15% of 4800K CPU and around 5 GB of 16 GB memory. Seems pointless. About to kill it.