I want to make some wood trays and have a small radius (fillet) on the inside bottom edge like shown in the attached photo. So, just using Carbide Crate if I use a ball nose bit (I have a 1/4" collet but no bits for it yet) could I do something like this?
I am wondering if I just do a pocket using a ball nose will it even work of would it leave ridges of wood in the bottom? or will the software know enough to compensate and it come out like I want?
If so, then I assume the larger the bit the more pronounced the round over?
OK, just playing in CC I think I have answered my own questions. (at least I think, let me know if i’m wrong).
Yes, using just a ball mill will have ridges in the bottom. Need to make a set of 2 squares slightly offset from one another and use a pocket function with a end mill on the inside square and a inside carve with the ball cutter on the outside box and they need to be around half the width of the cutter diameter (or less) if I am guessing right apart.
Yep you can definitely do it like that and it’s probably the best method. Another way, if it’s a small enough pocket and you’re too lazy to change tools like me is to use the ball nose for the whole thing and do a tiny step over like 10%. It’ll leave some marks, but to me negligible and easily sanded. Grab a piece of scrap and try both to find out what’s acceptable to you? When I’ve tried the two tool method I always get my Z zero just a hair off, then end up sanding a little anyway. It’s woodwork, wood breathes, swells, shrinks, nothing is ever perfect.