Can I send PWM / control signals out Accessories or Aux wiring?

Hi all,

I am a new Shapeoko 5 Pro user, and have gotten the machine up and running on some basic cuts. All is well so far.

However, I’ve searched around the forums here, looked on youtube, and searched around, but I haven’t seen any info relating to the “Accessory” and “Aux” pins from the controller box.

What are these connectors for, and how can I use them for my own purposes?

I want to do some (hopefully) simple things like send signals out during a job to control LED colors so that I can see from across the shop if, for example, the machine is ready for a tool change in the middle of a job.

I assume I’ll have to use something like UGS to put these in.

I would appreciate any links or info, thank you

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