Can someone help join vectors

Well it’s getting late and perhaps one too many garage beers…but I simply cannot figure out how to join these vectors and make this look the right way. I officially am throwing in the towel. Can anyone assist? File is below. I’ve gotten as far as combining them but I cannot get the four vectors to join and look uniform.
keukalakeyankees.c2d (68 KB)

Do you really want to join them? You want the ‘N’ to cross the ‘branch’?

Are you trying to stack things? If so, which do you want on top, the ‘N’ or the branch?

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No, I am not trying to stack, im trying to make it a uniform design I can then run advanced vee through. I just need the N to join to the Y in the four areas so I can carve it out if that makes sense.

Like this?

I just drew in a couple of poly line so I could complete each part of the ‘N’, then did Boolean Weld on everything.
keukalakeyankees.c2d (108 KB)

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Boolean Weld is 100% what I was looking for. I stumbled into that last week to solve a problem and completely forgot. Thank you so much!

Presumably you want the Y shaped stick to be cut at the top level and the stylized N to be at a lower level?

Duplicate the Y-shaped stick in place:

(after ungrouping it)

ctrl c (copy)

ctrl v (paste)

Draw in geometry for each open node which overlaps the Y-shape:

Select the geometry:

and use Trim vectors to section up the Y-shape:


shift-click on the top and bottom to remove them from the selection:


Select the open geometry which one wants to join:

group it, select everything, remove the Y-shape and the group from the selection:

and delete to clean things up:

Draw in lines to close things up, connecting the open ends:

Select all the open geometry:

Join Vectors:


Set up toolpaths which make use of this:

If you want both cut at the same level, then you only need one toolpath:

Attached as a v7 file.

keukalakeyankees_v7.c2d (560 KB)


Boolean Weld only worked after I had ‘closed’ the two parts of the ‘N’. I closed each part by drawing a polyline across the open area, then using ‘Join Vectors’. I drew the polyline so the final shape would overlap the branch. Once I had three closed, overlapping shapes, ‘Boolean Weld’.

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I was looking to inlay with epoxy, however this just opened another can of ideas. As always, I truly appreciate your dedication and detailed responses. Now you have added another project to my list…:slight_smile:

Thank you both for your help, here’s how it turned out with the inlay.


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