Is it possible on this site to multi quote replies so that one does not have to make lots of posts when replying to responses in a single thread?
Yes. Start your reply. Select the text you want to quote by dragging over it, and a pop-up appears above the selected text. Click “Quote” to make it appear in your reply.
Then select the next bit you want and click “quote”
And so forth…
Thanks, that is great for breaking up the reply to a single post. Is there a better/quicker way to multi quote different people though? Say Person A, B, and D reply to my thread. Would I have to start replying to the thread, and then scroll back and forth to their replies copying and quoting as you have shown? No simple “add to multi quote” button or checkbox?
I think so.
Not that I know of. Somebody smarter than me will jump in here shortly if I’m wrong.
Do the same thing once you start a reply.
Just scroll to the next post by anyone.
It won’t blow up if you just try it.
Looks like the most efficient way would be to start with the first text you want to quote & select “Quote”, then scroll to the 2nd text, select it & “quote”, etc…
Then scroll down to your reply & respond to each copied quote.
Thanks, that is what I’m noticing as well.