I recently started using the MeshCam trial this week and finally finished creating toolpaths for a 3D .stl file from Fusion. I’m not seeing the option anywhere to export the gcode so that I can run it in Carbide Motion. I tried saving the file which saved as a .mcf which won’t open in Carbide Motion. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Eliot,
Have you seen those tutorials for MeshCam?
They have screenshots for all steps involved in creating toolpaths and exporting g-code
Click ‘show toolpaths’, (this button’s name changes if you’ve used it previously, it will be ‘calculate’ the first time). There will be a popup with preview, and at the bottom is the save g-code button.
Thank you so much. I hadn’t considered the button being tucked away like that. Also, does the trial version I’m using look current? I was watching tutorials from 5 years ago and the interface looked a lot better than the pro trial I’m using now.
There was a notable change in UI — see the blog for more information:
Thanks. Am I better off learning the CAM/Manufacture part of Fusion? MeshCam looks pretty out of date and seems limited in it’s capabilities for the price. The structure or tab function in it was even lacking compared to Carbide Create.
For woodcarving STL files, I will use my copy of Meshcam V6,. For parametric files, I’ll use my copy of Fusion 360.
Meshcam just seems to generate a gcode for a stl file faster than Fusion.
My software toolbox consists of a yearly subscription for Fusion 360, and paid licenses for SheetCam, V-Carve Pro, and Simplify 3D.
Each one has it’s strong points over the others.
For Modeling, I use Solidworks and Fusion 360,
Awesome. Thanks for the breakdown.
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