Can't Pocket on a Shape

I’m trying to pocket out this circle shape on the file, but for the life of me, I can’t get it to function properly. Only the funky shape at the bottom of the circle will pocket. If I select Contour, It will outline no problem. The color of the shape indicates to me that it is a closed vector, so that shouldn’t be the issue. I’ve tried selecting a smaller bit size to pocket (1/8"), and that made no change. Any ideas?

Mass Effect Jon.c2d (376 KB)

This is because the geometry which won’t accept a pocket toolpath is open/unclosed as you will see if you move it to the Default layer:

or when it is selected and the “Join Vectors” command becomes active:

Screenshot 2023-02-06 at 10.02.45 AM

Once the geometry has been closed, the toolpath works as expected:

Hmmm… Ok never mind, I tried to replicate what you did, and I couldn’t get it to function. How do I move the red circle layer into the default layer?
I don’t get the join vector option on this object, nor do I get the purple color to indicate a break in the vector.

Select the object, press L to bring up the layer menu. Press the ellipse button (three dots) of the layer where you want to send the selection. and select move to layer.

The second issue is that you need to ungroup the object to have access to the join tool.


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Ok, that makes sense. I got it now. Thank you both very much.

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