I was running the Shapeoko and the spring loaded lock for changing bits popped off. Can that be fixed or is it time to get a new one?
Please let us know about this at support@carbide3d.com and we’ll do our best to sort this out with you.
I sent a pic in an email. Thanks.
If it is covered by warranty good. If it is not covered buy a Makita. Your collets will fit and extra brushes etc. The Makita; s a superior router.
That just happened to mine last night AND the case is cracked and i haven’t even had my machine a year yet! Is there a warranty or something?
Yes, please contact us at support@carbide3d.com and we’ll get this worked out.
Still trying to use pin to change bits that’s why it’s still in there but it’s just sitting there
If you pin is broken and will not work then use the two wrenches. Use the wrenches as long as the pin is not locked in the lock position. If the pin is stuck in the locked position it will keep the router from turning. If you lock pin is stuck in try a few taps to loosen it and then use the two wrenches to tighten/loosen your router bits. Let support resolve the long term issue but the short term use your wrenches.
I probably shouldn’t admit this openly, but I’ve gone a full year without noticing the spring pin; Sweepy covers it perfectly, and Sweepy’s upper half never comes off. I’ve never changed bits except by using two wrenches. It works great.
If it helps, the smaller wrench you’re looking for is a low-profile 13 mm. The tool came with one – the soft stamped steel kind. I didn’t like the free one, so I bought this. Just be cognizant that it’s longer and easy to over-torque the collet if you have a second wrench on the collet nut. I rarely go more than a few degrees past finger-tight.
I agree, I have only ever used the wrenches. But then again, I have only had my machine a couple of weeks.
We recommend using the button only to initially hand-tighten so things will stay in place until one fully tightens w/ a pair of wrenches as described.
A good quality pair of wrenches is a huge quality of life improvement and very highly recommended. See:
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