So I see a post processor that’s labeled ATC
Is this just for tool changing or is it for set ups for fully automatic tool changes where the machine will go get the bit needed
I have been using shapeoko TC
So I see a post processor that’s labeled ATC
Is this just for tool changing or is it for set ups for fully automatic tool changes where the machine will go get the bit needed
I have been using shapeoko TC
Post-processor for which CAM software / where do you see this ? (me being curious)
Vectric vcarve desktop
For some reason every time I start my software I have you download the machine settings and so forth
And it asks me to add a post processor of which there is Carbide Atc
Have not used it yet till I know if it’s just a tool change or for a fully auto tool change like I seen on other machines where it will change the tool for ya
No idea where that PP comes from, never heard of it, but “ATC” must not mean what it usually does, since it’s not possible to support an actual ATC on a Shapeoko.
Anyways, for VCarve Desktop you may be better off using @neilferreri’s very cool post, available here. It does support the BitSetter / multi-tool jobs.
To make my life easier, what I did is create a custom PP folder, and put it there. This way, this is the only one that shows up in that dropdown list.
(the procedure is: File => Open Application Data Folder, create a “My_PostP” folder there, and put your favorite PPs in there, restart VCarve)
I have done that many times but every time I open the program it’s says not PP installed
Same with my tool data base I normally have to re download
Weird. Worth posting on the VCarve forum I guess.
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