I only just got set up the other day for the first time and have only run my machine a few times at this point. I started running a job a few minutes ago and the spindle just completely stopped and the machine started dragging the non spinning bit across the wood. I stopped the job and checked the spindle - on and off, unplugged it and plugged it back in nothing, the spindle just completely won’t work anymore - any guidance on this? I’ve had the machine less than a month and have only been using it for the past week, I can’t imagine the spindle would just give up this easily after working with super soft foam for a week and wood for the first time today.
Does the spindle turn easily by hand? If not, then the bearings siezed up & the motor may have burned out trying to power thru them.
Otherwise, it would most likely be the speed controller in the router went bad. Although, it’s possible a quick connect or crimp connection loosened & disconnected.
In any case, you’ll want to contact C3D support at it sounds like you’re within the warranty period & they would most likely send you a replacement.
My advice, get a backup C3D router or a Makita trim router. I’ve got 3 myself. You never know when a spindle may decide to give it up - some work fine for years while others give it up within a week.
You can also get replacement bearing kits to repair these routers if you’re so inclined.