Several people have mentioned wanting to see more updates to Carbide Copper when asked about Carbide Create. This is your chance, give us your top 5 requests for Carbide Copper.
Top 5 in random order
(All of them, I think, are basic necessities)
Custom tools
Ability to export separate toolpaths for separate operations
Custom cut depth
Custom feedrate
Some way to identify and change where the WCS origin is
Bonus - features to make 2-sided boards
Bonus -Non-rectangular boards, should import from gerber
Bonus - Ability to save work and resume progress.
I found it promising, but limiting in those ways, so I haven’t used it much. It’s almost simple enough for my students to use (my hope), but I lose them when we have to chop up the gcode or find/replace.
We would love to be able to use files created in EasyEDA.
If you can share some gerbers from a project, we’ll check it out. We’d need a copper layer, a drill file, and a board outline file.
Hi Rob, here is a Gerber file from EasyEDA. It includes top, outline and drill files. Thanks for taking a look at getting them to work with Carbide Copper. EasyEDA is already a part of our workflow, if we didn’t have to switch to Eagle, that would really help out. Thanks
Gerber_3w Bluetooth Speaker amp (45.1 KB)
The Beta build was just updated to allow you to upload your own board outline.
Hi Rob, is your reply saying that the EasyEDA Gerbers will now work? I tried to upload the Gerber ZIP and the Individual Outline file and they are not accepted. Can you explain more on how it should work? Thanks!
Not yet, we’re working on it with your files right now. It turns out that EasyEDA output uses more of the gerber standard than any other files we’ve received so we’re having to add more to the parser to get it working. Hopefully it’ll be done in a few days.
Thanks for the update and taking on the challenge! Being able to use EasyEDA files is going to be so very helpful.
It’s not strictly speaking a copper create feature, it would need to be in carbide motion… Auto-leveling would be a really nice add. Would be a bonus to be able to measure and store it for the whole working envelope.
Hi James, we have taken a look at your files and you should be able to use about 5 of your files (Drill, Outline, Bottom, BottomSolderMask, TopSolderMask). We are still working on the Top and Silk layers, as they have Gerber codes that are currently being implemented in Copper. Please let me know if you have any problems and hopefully it will be done soon! Thank you for your patience.
Something like this, will be useful integrated on CM.
Custom tools
Custom cut depth
2-sides boards
PCBs stencil layer
Thank you! We’ll start testing and let you know how it goes.
Hi James! Thank you for your patience, and I’m sorry this took so long. All of your files should be able to run on Copper beta, please let us know if you have any problems!
You hit one my big ones, custom board outlines. The number two would be two sided boards.
Number three would to be able to route slots/holes etc anywhere on the board.
Hey Tori, the changes you made work great for the original test file I sent. I created a couple other boards and the top layers import fine, but the drill layers doesn’t line up. I think I created the layouts the same way. Can you take a look at why the drill file isn’t scaling correctly? Thanks! (7.7 KB)
simple (3.9 KB)

Hi James, we’ve taken a look at your files and they should be running properly on Copper beta right now. Thank you for your patience, and please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns!
Thank you! Working great on my side. We’ll keep testing and let you know if we find any problems. Thank you for the quick fix.
Only just saw this thread so might be a bit late but easier double sided boards would be great (as in Getting an offset with double sided board )
Levelling issues are a massive pain and I assume it’s not really a software thing, but anything that could help with that - the biggest timesuck for me is calibrating the z-axis and it’s usually by trial and error even when the board is perfectly flat.