Carbide Create 648 not responding

I open software and it crashes immediately. need some help if anyone has any ideas what the problem could be. I uninstalled and reinstalled that did nothing.

Are you using a computer which meets the system requirements?

Windows or Mac OS?

Which OS version?

Please try the standard computer troubleshooting techniques:

  • reboot
  • check for updates
  • shutdown
  • wait a bit
  • reboot
  • create a new user account w/ admin privileges
  • install the program in the new account

If that doesn’t work, let us know at and we’ll do our best to assist.

I am using Windows 11 and i have been using the software all week then yesterday when I tried opening it nothing.
I have done all that and still nothing

Was there an update? Could your roll back to a System Restore Point made when things were working?

there was no update. it just stopped working

I got it to work what I did was go into my user file and delete the folder, so it won’t remember any settings and it started right up again.

C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Carbide 3D

Thanks for the help

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