Carbide Create and Motion Software Update

I see a folks here having issues when installing a newer version of CC or CM. My experience with SW has been if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. In other words unless there is some feature of CC or CM you need or a bug in your version I wouldn’t upgrade. Typically you will find when there is a newer version of any SW it includes bug fixes, but the newer version has new bugs. My position has always been if I’m happy with a piece of SW I don’t upgrade just for the sake of having the latest version. That said, I always download the latest version of CC and CM and keep all the older versions in case I violate Rule #1 and need to roll back to an earlier version. Just my 2 cents worth.

I suppose that the desire for perfection is not great in your circle. :smiley: Just my 1/4 cent worth (because a cent is only worth about a 1/8 cent now.) :smiley:

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