Carbide Create: How to delete a single object?

The community has some notes on this at:

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I can’t even highlight it to delete it. When I select new file its still there

Please post the file here or send it in to

Kenzie.c2d (104 KB)

There is only one thing in that file:

a text object:

If you convert it to curves using the “Convert to Curves” button:

it is then possible to select individual objects/elements such as the tittle over one of the _i_s:

which may then be deleted:

The work piece has no vectors

The text highlights fine and can be deleted or edited its the work piece i can’t delete

What do you mean by “work piece”?

Do you mean the stock?

If you want to remove it in its entirety, then draw geometry which is larger than it:

and assign a Pocket Toolpath equal to the Stock Thickness or greater:

Once I’ve drawn a file larger, created a pocket with it, what do I do next?

That’s all that can be done and previewed.

I’m stumped.

Here is your file as a v7 file w/o anything in it:

empty.c2d (44 KB)

If that’s not what you want, please let us know specifically what you are trying to do, and let us know step-by-step:

  • what you did
  • what you expected
  • what actually happened

What I mean by the work piece is the stock with dimensions I set up in the beginning of the project.
I can delete everything I’ve added (text) but not that Its the pare with the grid.

The Stock is always present — it can’t be deleted, only cut away at by toolpaths.

You can make it as small as 25mm x 25mm:

or as large as 200" x 200":

but you can’t not have the Stock which is where drawings and toolpaths are usefully previewed.

If you wish you can set the Stock to be small, and draw and create toolpaths outside of that region, but why?

Stock WON’T delete. When I click on “new” file, that same stock appears with no way to use it or open a “clean” new file. WTF? I’ve got more to do and I can’t use the machine. You’re stumped, I’ve been trying to do this for four hours!!

Hi James,
Stock is the defined workspace. Some users like it to be the size of the stock they are working on (or project), others like to leverage the size of the machinable space.
It’s an entirely user defined thing, and something that may vary from project to project.

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I can’t even carve anything I add to it (text)

Stock represents what will be cut away — it is as necessary for it to appear as it is to have paper for drawing.

Just create something, then assign a toolpath to it — in what way is the Stock being present interfering with that?

What size is the material which you wish to cut into? Set the Stock size to match that.

Yes Will I’ve tried to do that and rotate it slightly and I can’t

The stock area cannot be rotated — it is assumed that stock will be mounted in plane with the machine motion.

For an example of how to work with rotated stock see:

Have you watched any of the videos at ?

We’ve got hours of training video there to get you started.


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