I am creating a waste board design in Carbide Create for the t-nut holes. For example, I have 100 circles and another 100 within the first 100 circles or a circle inside a circle, inner/outter.
In the Tool Path menu, I want to set a tool path for the inner circles. I select the first inner circle then hold the shift key (windows 10) and continue to select the remaining 99 inner circles.
Heres the problem. If I accidently missed targeting 1 inner circle, I lose ALL the selected circles and have to start over.
Yes this is a real pain…and incredibly frustrating. I had the same issues recently and no way round it that I could find.
VCarve Desktop has a function to automatically select all circles… or even all circles of a certain size… which would be great in CC…
However it could be improved enormously in Carbide Create by making it a double click on white space to clear all selections rather than a single click which is SO easy to accidentally do when trying to select many features like that.
perhaps @robgrz could comment and hopefully make this simple change in future versions of CC ?
In my case, I could not drag and select because it would select many other features that were unwanted.
Indeed, I had hoped to do multiple drag and selects in different areas, still holding down shift… but as soon as you start the 2nd drag all previously selected features become unselected… sigh
Will, reasonable suggestions as always… but not really workable in my opinion… because if you just oh so slightly miss a feature to select or deselected something… the whole lot of selections disappear… hence my suggestion of a double click rather than single to clear selections
Im just going to eat… but I will share a simple design in a little while so you can see what the issue is and how frustrating it can be
That’s why I put in the suggestion to retain the selection when shift-clicking on an empty area (which is how all other vector drawing programs behave).
@WillAdams Yes - I am very pleased you put in that suggestion!
I attach a simple file from which I have removed all toolpaths that I had eventually laboriously created.
The challenge is to select all 45 thru holes and apply one toolpath, then select all 45 counterbores wirh a different toolpath. If anyone can do it in a reasonably short time without missing a shift-clicked vector and having to start again from scratch - then you are way better than me - or you have found a better way!
Another suggestion that would be most useful - is :
When copying a selection of multiple objects (and/or grouped objects) the copy retains all toolpaths already assigned to them and also the groupings if there are any.) In my experience this is the most often desired case. If CC behaved like that I could have achieved what I wanted probably at least 10-20 times quicker - and used it in many other designs that I create !
Yes that is pretty much how I did it in the end, but Initially I tried the simple obvious select-shift-click approach till I found how frustrating it was - just like @GIban671 noted above.
My point is that this sort of workaround approach is non-intuitive for most users… and could be so much easier and obvious with a little programming change to bring CC in line with other similar drawing applications - I know you appreciate this. It is just a question of getting Carbide3D programmers on board too!
Thanks … I am not alone. But beyond fustrations was the fowl language associated with the dreaded shift click white space and hours trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.