Carbide create issues

What is wrong with the latest Carbide Create update?! I design a simple rectangle for a profile cut with filleted corners, save the code for cut, then it cuts two filleted corners and two 90 degree corners on the rectangle. This is extremely frustrating as it’s now done this on two pieces of wood wasting a shit ton of money on material that I can’t afford to purchase again for a few weeks.

Is anyone else experiencing this? It’s also pausing on one corner of the four edges and burning the wood as well as randomly dipping in the profile after rounding a corner.

Hi @echavanne,

Can you please upload your .c2d file as well as the G-code (.nc) file you ran that produced that result ?

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I too am having a carbide create issue. I’ve spent a good part of the day working on it.
I am trying to create a (what I thought would be a simple file) 2 in. grid to cut onto my SPXXL waste board in CC.
It does not show the tool path in the Simulation?
Attached is the file.

SPXXL 2 in grid for waste board 90V Bit.c2d (32.6 KB)

HELP :woozy_face:

Carson rack profile (25.3 KB)

V carving toolpaths don’t work with open (magenta) toolpaths.

In order to do this you will need to create a grid of rectangles which are as wide as you want the cut line to be:

then assign two sets of toolpaths: one for the horizontal rectangle, the other for the vertical ones:


SPXXL 2 in grid for waste board 90V Bit_VCARVE.c2d (118.9 KB)

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HMF… The one thing I didn’t try.
Oh… Very skinny rectangles.
I assume you made one then copied it and placed them on the line?
Can CC rotate the rectangle or did you have to create the perpendicular rectangle as well?

Wow, I am learning a lot here lately. I try to figure it out myself when possible.

Thank you

Tomorrow I’ll be surfacing and gridding my waste board.
Cross your fingers and toes.
If so inclined pray for me as well.
I’ll need all the help I can get.

@WillAdams are you able to help with the issue I originally posted?

Sorry dude, I kind of stepped into your question and got in the way.
Everyone here is very helpful. I am sure they will be able to help.
I try to help when I can.

I duped, rotated, duped again, and Boolean unioned the two sets to get the horizontal lines — re-drawing would have been better.

Unfortunately, rectangles lose their “rectangleness” when rotated.


I don’t see the difficulties you describe in your file:

Do you have the Log window open?

Could you make a video showing the difficulty?

I looked at it as well and do not see anything wrong?
The pausing and random dipping? Machine setup? Belts, wheels and such?


As you can see. Rounded corner on one and a 90 on the other. Can’t post a video because I can’t afford to ruin anymore wood.

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Please post the .c2d file as well and we’ll try to look into this.

How are you setting your X and Y zero? It looks as if the bit never touched that horizontal path in the first picture. Is it possible your work piece shifted in one direction after your zeros were set or you never got a good zero on the corner?

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Hi @echavanne,

Sorry for not having a look earlier, timezones and everything…
As @WillAdams said the G-code file you posted has 4 rounded corners,

Now if you look at the picture with the straight corner (that should have been round), it seems like the right edge was machined (part circled in green) but the bottom edge may have been left untouched ? (part circled in orange):

If this is the case, this could explain the two missing rounded corners (I suppose that the other missing corner is at the left of the one in that pic ?)

If your stock was a little smaller than you think (or programmed), or if the X or Y reference shifted for some reason, the endmill may have cut air on one side, in which case it will have cut those two corners in the air, outside the stock.

Does this sound like a likely scenario considering the setup you used ?

If you have MDF scraps you could try and rerun this job, making sure the stock is significantly larger than the end piece, to verify this hypothesis

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@Ed.E zero was fine. Double side tape technique with clamps to secure the material so it didn’t move while cutting.

@Julien the orange and green corner referenced were cut by the Shapeoko. It was not an outside corner of the raw material that was left uncut. The ruler I used was covering up the outside material.

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I’ll have the .c2d uploaded when I’m back to my computer later today. Thanks for y’all’s help.

Allright. I really think you should rerun that exact g-code file you uploaded, in a scrap piece of wood/MDF. You don’t even have to let it run to completion, the first pass should suffice.
Since the G-code has the movements for all rounded corners, there is no way for the machine to somehow ignore those. What can happen is losing steps along X or Y for some other reason (obstacle, hitting a mechanical limit, inadequate cutting parameters, …), but then you would probably not get such a perfect corner, and the final piece would not have the right dimensions. Is there any chance that the G-code file you ran was not the one you attached ? (it happened to me on multiple occasions to mix various versions of my design and gcode files…)