Carbide Create Pro, 3D cuts all the way thru even with "Add Base Height" is non zero

I have come across what I think is a CC Pro issue. When importing some grey scale image files as a model file, the result is a hole somewhere in the “Show 3D” model. The issue is that even when adding stock to the bottom via the “Add Base Height” setting, the hole remains. Here’s an example, the image is from the Tangram Heightmapper that Winston uses in his demo video. It’s from a different area (in Michigan where I am) but I am trying to do basically the same thing he shows. Here’s the greyscale file that gives me the issue.

Here’s what I get in CCPro:

Using Windows 10 latest and 462 of CC.
Am I doing something wrong somewhere?


Black hole?

Can you share your exported gcode? Maybe it’s just an issue with the preview?

The GCode output is the same way. Here’s both the CC file and the GCode as well.

3DTest.c2d (324.4 KB) (2.0 MB)

Yep the hole is there in the generated G-code:

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so when I did vulcano stuff… I made 2 layers in the model, one “just a block” and then one for the carve… I know that part works

but yes this is a bug, the support@ folks will want to know

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I just sent an email to support at Carbide 3D. If they don’t post directly here, I’ll provide an update when I get one.

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I did hear back, but I am not sure what the final resolution will be yet… I consider this a bug.

Hi Steve,

I received your e-mail. I have reached out to development for some clarification. No pun intended but this is a gray area as to if it is considered a bug or a feature. It may take some time to get an answer back but I will follow up with you once I have some feedback.

Thank you

Brandon Lee


I’m pretty sure it’s a bug, it’s in the queue for a closer look.


One more update from support… I seems that this will be corrected at some point! Yea!

Hi Steve,

I’m told Development is looking in to the issue, so it has been reported and received. Keep an eye out for future updates.

Thank you

Brandon Lee

And the verdict is, “Not a Bug.”

So, here’s the deal:

When we import an image, if the height of a pixel is zero, we consider it an “ambient pixel” and we remove it from the area to be extruded. This is the correct behavior in most cases where you want to being some shape in and then add it to a design.

I think we’ll probably add something like an “Include Ambient Area” option to disable that part of the transformation but we need to think it through a little more to make sure there are no unintended consequences.


PNG supports transparency… maybe that can work?

We thought about that when the image import was initially being written but looking at the alpha channel almost necessitates an “Ignore Alpha Channel” button anyway and it would make it impossible to limit the area based on color/brightness alone without additional check boxes.

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Check out 465 from

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Rob, 465 solves the issue! Thanks for the quick update and the responses here. It is much appreciated. Now I need to actually try some 2.5D cuts!