Carbide Create Pro Angles & Measured Grid

I’m using the Carbide Create Pro trial and for the life of me I can’t see anywhere to create/measure angles. Also, the grid on the left and top has no numbers. The grid I can live without although it seems like a basic feature but there is no measuring and/or dimensioning tooling unless I’m blind.

I tried Vcarve Desktop which has a lot of features but at $469CAD is a gouge when they cap the work area at 24" x 24". After paying almost $5K for the machine I refuse to pay $1500 for software, at least for now as a beginner.

Anyone have any ideas on a way forward?

Units showing on the rulers depends on the current size and number of spaces:

The 4th row is labeled (the image shows a 5x5" Stock size w/ 1" grid) and if one uses a finer grid, one gets further labeling (and varying heights to the marks):

To measure, deselect everything:

and choose the measure tool:

The interface is contextual — some aspects only show when nothing is selected, others only show when a single element is selected, others only show when multiple items are selected.


Well look at that. I was over complicating things. Thank you very much!

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