Carbide Create Pro Tiling Tutorials?

Hey folks, anyone know of an depth tutorial on Tiling with Pro? This one from Carbide is leaving me with many questions. tnx.

If you’ll post the file you are working on we should be able to walk through this with you.

There is one cardinal rule that simplified tiling for me…

You have to move the part stock in Y, parallel to the Y axis.
The distance you have to move the part is the same as the “height” setting in your tiling dialog.

How you index that move is guided by the nature of the job. If you can keep a nice straight left edge, you can just mark the edge & slide the part that distance. If you use dowels they should be apart, and at the same X value.

I would be interested to see your questions, and then reference them to Kevin’s video. Perhaps we can get him to do a sequel :smiley: (And of course answer your questions)


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