So, I lost my mind about the time I decided to cut out this Cat. The size of the 1/2" MDF was 500x500mm and consisted of 2 layers: One for pocket cuts for the eyes, mouth, and facial features and the second for the outer moon shape. It took 300 grueling minutes!
Am I correct that the “Rest” feature in Pro would have used a larger tool for the inside areas and then cleaned up the the details with something smaller?
Also, I ran it at 10000 rpm’s per the programs instructions. What would you have run the feed and speed at on this? I’d welcome any and all input, comments!
I would suggest using an Advanced V-Carve with the pocket function. Use a 1/4" tool for the pocketing and a 60 or 30 degree V-Bit to pickup all those smaller details that you are missing from just the pocketing function. As for the contour, you can offset outside by slightly bigger than your tool and use a pocket toolpath to get down to tab height then contour to finish. You may want to edit the nodes to widen them so the tool can fit into those smaller details. Also appears you are using an inside contour toolpath and I would suggest changing it to an outside path.
Correct, REST maching allows one to use a larger tool where possible, and a smaller tool where necessary — that said, as @Spyd noted, an Advanced V carve uses a square tool in the field, and a V carving tool along the perimeter and where necessary and captures pretty much all the details.
The whiskers on the cat project wouldn’t fair well with a V carving tool (assuming you mean a Vee bit.) I’m gonna have to bite the bullet and get Pro. I actually just bought a couple of Amana 1/16 Spectra bits for a project. Y’all are out of stock and I need something to go deeper than 1/4" anyway. Am I correct that Pro will have a larger library that has these bits already loaded?
A buddy of mine came to my shop today and I was showing hime the projects and explained Contour and the tabs along the exterior of the piece and the pocket cuts in the middle, etc. I also spoke of the incredibly long time the pocket cuts took. He asked, “Why couldn’t you cut those sections using Contour and add tabs?” He stumped me. I actually came in and am applying that thinking to an iteration of the same project to compare the time difference.
Thanks for your input. I’m going to upload the file because it actually appeared that it was cutting a second time into thin air… Black Cat 2nd Iteration.c2d (300 KB)
No, Carbide Create and Carbide Create Pro are fundamentally the same programs — the only differences are the added features which Pro gains (3D modeling, 3D toolpaths, REST machining, Engraving toolpath, G-code output…)
Tool library is the same between them.
CC should have feeds and speeds for all the tooling we sell — but you need to consider material, and endmill type — tools only have feeds and speeds for the materials which they are best suited for, so for example, no wood feeds and speeds for the #282-Z, but it does have plastic and metal feeds.
Just fyi, here is the tool I bought (actually bought an upcut and a downcut).
When I went to run the program it told me to set the router to 1 (10000) which I did. I was using 1/2" MDF. Best that I can remember, there were no speed and feed changes if I selected a different type of material.
I always use BitSetter probe. (I think my steps are) Connect CNC to my laptop, power on, connect to it, initialize the CNC, Load the program, the head comes from NE to SE, I remove vac boot, insert probe, Select “jog”, Increase interval to fast, move to SW position where the corner of my stock is, shift speed down to 1mm, put BitZero on the corner and ground it to probe, Select Probe then the first window on the left (actually hold BitZero securely to the corner to ensure X,Y doesn’t move at all), then actually have it probe and find the corner of the material. From there, I hit Run and it comes and asks for the tool. I load it, hit Ok, it goes to BitSetter. I hit start and then it tell me the router speed setting, Set that, turn on the router and hit ok.
Sorry if this TMI. I just am walking through it in my mind. I’m not in the shop… (hope I got the point of your question.)