Carbide Create Pro Training

Started a YouTube Channel with some Carbide Create Pro Training and Examples.

Just trying to help spin up Carbide Create Pro users a little faster. It has 6 videos, but I will be adding more. Just doing it for something to do in retirement.

Channel is "stephen k cox or search on Carbide Create Pro Training


To save folks looking:


Have you figured out what “Multiply” does??


Thanks you VERY much.

HA Yes and no Will work on it soon. Min and Max next. Thanks everyone.

Thanks William. Now I may just break 100 views. Woohoo HA. Just having fun making stuff.

The Widgets Tool is really cool. Not hard to make and reusable. Very powerful. It’s kind of like a new Merge type. Will make more view on Widget use soon.

Min and Max Video next.

I just saw this thread and noticed that your description list’s this as a Gary scale and not a Grey scale. I cant do 3D cut to save my life but that popped out right away. :crazy_face:

Thank you.
Watched them all but I’m glad I can go back and re-watch, for sure.

Thanks and keep the m coming!
BTW here are some pics from my first CCPro modeling try! THIS IS FUN!


Those really look great. You were correct thicker looks better. Wood grain really makes them stand out. Its fun now you can cut all you want.

Ha I cannot spell.

Look at Frank Smith turtle shell below. You can learn this. Once figure out CC Pro you will make some cool stuff. I will post some small project soon. Puppy is quick project.

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Between your help and a lot of others on this fourm, I have been able to learn a LOT.
Carbide people and this fourm ROCK for sure. There is/are none better.

Thanks everyone for help in getting this project as far along as it is.!

More to come.

I have Carbide Create as well as Vectric Desktop, not sure when i will able to try Carbide Create Pro. but until i retire next year time management seems to be a real issue with getting into the shop to play with my toys. Looking forward not back.

We will be here when you’re ready. Lots of sawdust to make.

Added part 3 CC Pro training video today

Topic is merge type min max and equal

I think I’ll do some small projects just to help people get their feet wet using CC Pro.

I know there’s already some good videos out there. maybe this gives a different viewpoint.

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Remember this picture Frank I finally cut him out



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