Carbide Create Pro- What do you want to see?

Looks great

Pretty sure plunge rate is going to come into play while the z is raising and lower the axis while doing the 3D contour cut.
This would make the 3D contour cuts go a bit slower while moving faster on flat areas.

I could be wrong but seems logical.


I agree and am wondering if messing with my acceleration and max feed values has something to do with it. I’m sure a solution will smack me right in the face here in a day or two. If I have learned anything in the last 6 months, most cut issues typically arise from user error in cut set-up or machine set-up/ parameters.

Did you use a flat cutter or a round one?

Right now, a flat cutter will output a more jagged toolpath when you zoom in. That could be it.

I’ll need to check the file that gave me the most issues, that very well may be it and would completely explain it seeming more “jerky” on a broad sweeping maneuver. It wouldnt be the first time I made a mistake along those lines. Other than the issue stated, when I export to svg or save a CCPro file since downloading the latest update, it fails to add the appropriate extension at the end of the file making me do it by hand. It has only happened twice, and may be a symptom of running in compatability mode on my Intel NUC running Windows X (which may no longer be needed).

Using CC 413 Mac, I created 2 circles, in Model, I picked round and created a rounded circle. I tried again with a second circle and even after I picked round, it appeared in 3D as flat. I right clicked on the component to edit the shape but I get a different smaller menu where I cannot change the type of component, it looks like I need to delete and recreate the component. I had checked that I had selected the round but it did not work.

CC413 test1.c2d (35.3 KB)


Shape parameters is missing.
been asking for about 5 days now… lol

I just recreated your scenario by adding circle, going to model, selecting model shape, selecting shape to round, then selecting done(without hitting apply). this gives you a circle with a flat top.

Make sure you hit apply after selecting shape to round. lower degree setting will get a less aggressive oval and higher = more round (bubble)… with 90* being max

hit apply then show 3D/ then select done to finish

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Someday, when CC is all grown up, I’d like to be able to use a Hololens-type interface to create & manipulate designs, send them to my Shapeoko, & monitor the progress with a virtual sim that also allows for on-the-fly path/contour adjustments & shows the current line of gcode running.

In the near-term, it would be cool to be able to insert flags into the Gcode to more easily identify portions of the code if you’re into manual editing & optimizations. In fact, would love it if the code had commented headers like '[RAPID POSITION 1]…[OBJ1PATHLAYER1]…[OBJ1PATHLAYER2]…[RAPID POSITION 2]…[OBJ2PATHLAYER1]…etc. Yep, I’d love to see that…The object titles could be taken from the path names entered by the user & Carbide Motion could pick up on those to display during the job. Then if you’ve got a horrifically complex job that gets stalled from static discharge or whatnot, you’d be able to easily identify what portion of the Gcode it got into & how far back you only need to take it to re-start…

Anyway, enough of my fantasies. Glad to see that CC will be taken to new levels of sophistication!


Thanks Mike, maybe I did not pay close attention and inadvertently pressed done instead of apply after I created the model.

It is hard to keep track of all the issues reported and suggestions made! Maybe you already requested that but there should also be a cancel button because there is no way of escaping without creating a model since both apply and done ends up creating a model that you have to delete after.

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Your right, it is hard to keep up, and has probably been overlooked. And yes there should be a way to cancel. Maybe you can get them to do it. Posts with screenshots or videos get them moving quicker, seems like. Emails are kinda like snail mail.

Keep bugging Rob on here.

I’m not going to be on here for awhile. Having a major surgery.

Best of luck

Well I found another annoying thing. I created a square and I wanted a circle. I now want to delete it. Well I’m not sure how to do it, selecting and delete key including Shift, Option, Control and Command do not work, there is no right click menu that appears. I wish that they use the establish convention for user interface such as shortcuts including Ctrl C, X, V

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On a Mac I believe it’s FN delete

on a PC Delete works

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Darn I forgot to try Fn. It works but all these quirks are hard to remember.

I know it sounds like a dumb tiny thing but “function-key delete” is one of those quality of life quirks that is compelling me to sign my next paycheck over to vectric :grimacing:

(Though I have noticed and appreciate how much work has happened in the past month on CC)

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My first thought would more optimal tool paths. The default paths make it take forever to machine things.


Once you create a component, you cannot change the shape; you’ll have to delete it and recreate it if it needs to change. We are working on the commands to let you move, rotate and scale them but the shape is set after you create it and dismiss the command.

We’ll have to look into that and make it work without the Fn key

I usually ignore any discussion of “optimal” anything because those are typically dead end discussions but I feel the need to jump in on this. These are 3D surfacing toolpaths that, by nature, take a lot longer to run than a pocket toolpath, or something similar. If they take a long time to run it’s either:

  • A small stepover covering a large area. (Use a bigger tool and proportionally bigger stepover if possible)
  • A low feedrate. (Speed up that feedrate if possible)

We’ll add more toolpath options to Pro over time (Roughing should be the next one) but this is a standard 3D Parallel Finish toolpath and, while I’ll never call anything “optimal”, the toolpaths generated here are pretty good. (The one thing we need to add is a little more refinement for finer details)


Has anyone asked for STL import? I did a search and did not see it mentioned. Also STL Export. I’m just thinking about workflow.

That’s a longer-term item that we’re strongly considering. Any STL would be merged onto the relief model, I don’t think we’d add a separate STL machining mode (like MeshCAM) since that’s really a different use-case than what we’re attempting here.

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I just thought of another feature that has been extremely useful in vectric software;

Select multiple vectors > right-click > Join open vectors > with a line //or// with a curve //or// move endpoints

This saves a lot of heartache when trying to machine a pocket and you can’t locate the part of the vector that isn’t connected


That’s definitely on the TODO list.


Thank you good sir.

Last one from me (forgive me if this has been added, I’m away from my PC and haven’t run the latest version of CC)

Smart Snap - the ability to snap to points that are not necessarily geometry.

For example;

  • Snap to the centre of a circle or square
  • Snap to a point that is horizontally level with the end of another line, or the centre of a circle

I don’t know how to explain it better - Solidworks has the feature, with the line tool selected you can hover over existing geometry and when you move the cursor away it will snap to an invisible line in 45° increments from that point

Also to have this snapping ability when a piece of existing geometry is selected and dragged to move it would be great

Another feature I use a lot (in aspire) is select a piece of geometry and click it a second time. resize and rotate handles appear. There are several hot keys that make useful mode changes:

Rotate: will rotate freely, if shift is held will rotate in 45° increments
Resize: can resize from any corner or side, if shift (or ctrl maybe) is held, it will mirror the resize across the centerline

Looking forward to installing it and providing some feedback