Carbide Create V8 bug

Trying to cut simple stars with V carve in V8. Done this a dozen times no issue in V7.

The software appears to calculate then goes to empty toolpath and nothing more.

  1. I’m in a time crunch, need V7 back!
  2. Any suggestions if it’s me or is the program buggy?


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v7 is at:

EDIT: Downloads

NOT: Download Carbide Create V8 (as was originally posted)

(and on Windows v8 installs along-side v7, so one can switch back and forth)

Upload the file you are using?

Using a Mac.

Not seeing V7 on that page, just V8.

My apologies, wrong link:

(as mentioned at: Carbide Create V8 Beta )

Note that on a Mac one can re-name the application bundle of the old version before installing.