Shapeko 5 pro purchased in December, this morning cutting 3" x 4" pocket in acrylic at .25" depth using 201 .25" bit. With the 1st piece, the spindle and operation just stopped before finished. I was able to restart and finish. The 2nd piece is locked into position, and when I hit START, the job says status says the progress is 85.71% finished and the spindle does a very slow motion death dive straight down as if no power? Lights still on, all connections are good, rebooted pc and no change. I presume I need to reset the Carbide Motion to actually start the job?
Since you are cutting acrylic which is a tremendous static generator what are your static mitigations?
I found the problem, had inadvertently placed …25 vs .25 which created an empty toolpath - that seemed to make all the difference, now it’s back to running.
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