I just received the ER11 router. I am so pleased with this router. It is quiet compared to the original router I purchased. I also tested the RPMs and at setting 1 it was 11,000 RPMs and at 6 it was 33,000 RPMs. All my ER11 collets and nuts fit. I am now able to use the full range of bits I have purchased over the years. This was a win win purchase. I almost stopped short of buying it because of the price, however I can now say I am glad I did. Anyone buying a new Shapeoko of any type don’t weasel out and buy the regular inexpensive router because of the price. The extra money is well worth having the ability to use ER11 collets on your Shapeoko. I will make the old router into a handheld. Good job guys, but also it is about time. While I am writing this I also want to thank you for sending me the bitsetter magnet I lost. Are you ever going to put up a repair parts list for purchase? I am thankful for the free part but I feel bad having someone else fix my mistakes.
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