Carbide Motion Beta 621

I’ve used v681 for a couple days and haven’t noticed any issues that weren’t of my own doing. Downloaded v622 and expect to be cutting tomorrow or Friday.

I don’t have bitrunner and haven’t seen a “Send to CM” control anywhere, so I don’t know what I’m missing, if anything.

Testing the beta, especially the send-to-CM, and everything looks good. Thanks for fixing the ‘send-to-CM’ feature, this will make running the rpi much easier. However, I found the line counting to be off by one in CM, it is counting line one as 0. This is not how wc (word count) or vim counts lines, so made it seem that it was one line off.


word count:
% wc
11186 11253 188540

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I use samba to mount a share from my CM dedicated PI to my design PC.

When ready to cut I drag the files over. Once done I delete them from the CM machine to keep it uncluttered. I still have the master on the design PC.

Just checked and I am running bullseye. Which are you you running @WillAdams

according to cat /etc/os-release:

PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

Ok thanks. I am one up from that so 622 should work ok I assume.

I also had a Micro SD card with:

PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

which was not able to find the machine in its default state, so I suspect the fix noted in other threads will be necessary.

Hmm. That is the version I have and I did not apply the fix from the other thread. I didn’t do any updates to that image since January which was before the troubles seemed to start.

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My image is quite new, so it makes sense that it has this difficulty.

Trivial request: The “Connect to Cutter” button gives no indication that it’s been pressed. I see 5-10 second delay between pressing it and seeing any reaction from the SO5 or CM. The Initialize button does dim when it is pressed though.


Another CM request: For spindle users, can we get a spindle rpm increase / decrease button near the Feed Rate + and - buttons?


Oh my goodness yes please.

Hey Rob and Will, i downloaded CM 621 last week and from the first time i opened it and set my machine up until now, it takes as long as 9 min to start up when opening. Once CM finally lets me initialize it runs without flaw, its just at start up.

Ive done the normal things a non computer wizard like me does and uninstalled it and re-downloaded from the website 3 times now with same results. Once in awhile when starting up it will show the “not responding” for just a sec and if i just wait it will evently load. No support ticket has been sent, ive just been kind of putting up with it and watching the forum for a fix but it could just be my DA.

Have you gents heard of anything similar going on and maybe have a fix i just didnt see in the forum? I hate to bug support on it.

Thanks gents

That’s not something which we’ve seen.

Have you tried the standard troubleshooting techniques?

  • shutdown
  • reboot
  • check for updates
  • reboot

Is this on Mac OS or Windows?

If on Windows, please go to the Start Menu, type “sysinfo”, run the System Information tool and save the output from it as a text file using your last and first name and send that in to us

Either platform, please let us know about this at and we will try to look into this with you.

Ill send the report shortly. Thanks

After sending (or loading I suspect) a new project I just found the feedrate adjustment I used for the previous run enabled. This would have made the new run go WAY too fast. I would prefer that each new loaded/sent run reset feedrate. Rerunning the same project could keep the feedrate adjustment, but I think that is a little dangerous as well.

Hey All
New Bullseye upgrade killed CM Pi. CM cant see the machine after a update

So here is the story, I got a brand new Rpi 4 back in Sept. this morning I decided to get it running. New Bullseye install and loaded CM 622 and it was working fine. A couple glitches I noticed later on that.

The boot loader chip was from Sept or more. I skipped the check for updates during the install. And then after testing the new CM 622 it was time to run the update ( Icon on the top ribbon). I rebooted and then could no longer detect the machine. Hmm

By chance I had ordered 2 new Rpi 4s so I had another original SDchip. I cloned it over the failed one and did it again. Same thing; it ran fine until the upgrade
One note I also tested the old CM 547. which also worked pre update and then failed to see the machine after the update :frowning:

I can only assume a new library was updated and some function was depreciated. That’s a big guess there

So my word of caution is not to update your Rpi OS without a copy of you SD

Has anyone else stopped connecting after the last update ???

Luckily I still have my Rpi 3 with CM547 working, so I am not down and I can load a older bullseye. Just can update :frowning:

And now it is 3:30 in the morning and I have way too much time into this :slight_smile: Time for bed :slight_smile:

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I found a couple of items in CM 622 on Rpi
I just played with it and did air cuts

  1. It says you can skip the upload of the config to the machine if you are sure it is good or something like that. But then how do skip it ?, you have to hit the load in order for the NEXT button to activate, did I miss something?
  2. I have a Pro XXL and Y should be 850 not 859. I can jog until it hits and crashes into the front support caps. Unlike the older versions, you cant tweak these settings any more :frowning: The setup wizard is nice but Hmmm. We will get there :slight_smile: I assume the 0 and 9 are side by side on the top of the keyboard so this is most likely a typo in the default config for that machine ?

Lots of nice new features though over 547. :slight_smile:

OK I had a bit more time, just a bit :slight_smile:
I took my old Rpi3 running bullseye that I mentioned above and cloned it.
I then hit the update button on the right hand side of the menu bar.
Updated fine but CM could not connect same as above.

All I can conclude is a Library was updated and it no longer supports a function call that CM is calling for to connect to the USB device.
The USB is recognized by the OS. you can see it come and go in “lsusb” when you plug it in and out. Just cant seem to talk to it anymore.

so to all you Rpi CM users. make sure you have a backup up. DO NOT run the updates.

And lets see what C3D can suggest ?

Happy Caving

Have you checked out this thread:

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