My computer crapped out and I found another to use, when loading carbide motion I use build 542 on my shapeoko 4 xxl. While setting it up I input the machine as an S4xxl then it uploaded the parameters. In the other section it askes for the machine type and I click S4xxl then hit ok in both boxes. I reopen it and it defaults to S3xxl. Don’t think it matters, they’re the same size, so just an FYI. now the concerning part, I initialize the machine, it moves forward then prompts to insert a tool, it uses the bit setter. I jog it and use the bit zero, everything normal so far. I go to run, load the gcode, press start then start again and it doesn’t request the proper bit and doesn’t go to the bitsetter, it just stays at the zero location. I hit start again, it prompts me to start the router, I hit continue and it starts cutting. Why isn’t it prompting me to insert the bit to the first toolpath and why isn’t it checking the bit with the bitsetter?
What do you have as a post-processor in Carbide Create?
what’s that?
everything works great with my old computer and the earlier build.
what is also happening is that the cnc stops at the end of a tool path when it’s time for a bit change, but no windows pop with any instructions ( turn off router, insert the next bit, nothing) and there’s no pop up with a continue button so everything is dead in the water. can’t move forward from that point.
Hi @WVDesigns,
You need to go in the “Edit” menu in CC, click on “Select post-processor”, and trom that window select the “Carbide3D Shapeoko” post-processor from the list. Then re-save your toolpaths, and you should be good to go.
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