Carbide Motion hardware requirements

Looking at the System Requirements for Carbide Motion V5, it’s not very specific. That could mean a lot of things.

I found a forum post from 2018 where someone asked about using a tablet with Windows 8 RT, and the answer was related to the state of Windows RT at the time (which has since changed) and not at all about the hardware - which is definitely half of the equation. Windows RT is no more, but ARM processors definitely are.

The system requirements page specifies two brands of processor, but nothing else on the topic. Let’s say I buy a Windows 10 PC with an ARM processor; is there any reason to expect that this will not work with Carbide Motion V5?

As far as I know, C3D don’t supply an Windows Arm version of Carbide Motion as yet. They just have AMD and Intel.

They don’t really have an installer for 64bit Windows 10… you have to do additional work to get that going.

They do have an Arm Linux port though, for the Raspberry Pi.

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