Carbide Motion issues after new version

So I dusted off my Shapeoko3 cnc after 2 years of non use. I downloaded the latest Carbide Motion and now when I try to move the head via Jog it barely moves. Is there a setting I am missing? is there a Factory Default I could set? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Btw it was working just fine before.

In the Jog Screen, far right, do you have the two Increment buttons? They will allow you to change the speed that the unit moves. Increment + will speed it up when you click X+, X-, Y+, Y-, or Z+, Z- buttons.

Hope this helps

Have you sent the machine configuration?

Did you change the speed increment from the default? It has essentially imperceptible movement — it’s much easier to see the movement, if as @Zman notes you set it to Fast.

I think Will’s suggestion is likely. I changed to a new PC on my Shapeoko a week ago and had a similar (or identical) problem, and noticed that the cutting area of the machine in CM was set to just a couple centimeters in size. Perhaps that’s a safe zone set by default. Informing CM that it was a Shapeoko XXL promptly fixed the problem.

Worked! Thanks guys!