Carbide motion loosed connection surface pro

Hi there. So strange issue. Carbide motion loosed connection with my Nomad 3 when it ends cycle with my new spindle/vfd. This only happens on my surface pro running windows 10. It did it on windows 8 also. When I run it form my MacBook Pro, it runs fine. It’s usually an issue when I have a tool change and the spindle brakes so I can make the change. I have to power cycle the Nomad to get it to connect again. So you guys think this is EMI?

Yes, this is most likely EMI.


and if you continue to have difficulties, let us know at (mention that you’ve seen those two posts) and we’ll do our best to work through this with you.

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Thank you. Went ahead and ordered a big set of EMI suppressor clips. Put one on the usb cable at the side of the machine, one on the power cable on the side of the machine, one on the spindle harness on the side of the machine, one on the spindle wire at the spindle inside the enclosure, one on the vfd power wire near the vfd. It seams to have fixed the issue. I’m not sure which one did the trick but figured more wouldn’t hurt anything by lol

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