Carbide Motion on a Raspberry Pi

I’m sure it can be made to work. But that doesn’t make it a good idea nor is the right thing to do.

For non-open source software there are ways you can imagine where small groups of enthusiasts can help out, involving NDAs and such… for direct contributions. There’s also simpler indirect ways. I like to hope that the image & script I’m making for the RPI is interesting for others to use either directly or as a basis for what they want different for example.


Ok, so we decided to give it a try:

  • (FIX) Typo in spindle control popup.
  • (FIX) Changed minimum screen dimensions for Pi people w/ 7" screens. Still not recommended or supported but it should work.
  • (NEW) Settings window now tabbed.

There are a few quirks of Qt that make the jog window buttons wonky and we need to make changes to the probing screen but this should work on smaller screens better than prior releases. (And that said, 7" screens are not a real target for us so they may never be fully on par with higher-resolution monitors)


Thank you! The 10 inch screens are bulky, and most of them do not even offer 1080p.

@fenrus, I am guessing this package is not in apt for upgrade, how do I install on your image? I am sure I am not the only person who wonders this.

Thanks to everyone!

If I remember correctly, you should be able to download it from that link and then click on it in the Pi.


Well kids, I’m diving in. If I can do it anyone can!

PS, I suspect I’ll need a lot of help…

Hoping for a single post with step by step for wannabe nerds.


(I will make a new image with the new CM in the next 30 minute or so; I might not be able ot test it tonight though)

Griff: the step basically are 1) download the .zip file from url I posted before 2) write that zip file to a microsd card 3) put that card in the raspberry pi and turn it on

  1. is the complicated step in this, it starts iwth grabbing the raspberry pi imager tool from

there’s a video on that site with a quick walk through; the key difference is in the screen where you pick the OS to install, there you need to pick custom and select the zip file you got in step 1.

and… well that’s mostly it.


updated image but not so well tested (hence beta) at

since CM is not yet available in repo form there’s not a nice way to update yet. If the URL on the C3D website stays sort of stable I might make a script that updates the system in the next build


@Griff How far have you gotten? Do you have a Pi yet?

This is how I set my Pi up -

Thank you


Download the new debfile. Then do the following.

sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb/file
sudo apt-get install -f

This is what I ran to do the upgrade from whatever I was on to latest.

I have customized my pi to work in my network, security, etc… so pulling down a new image is not for me.

I cut a new to me box last night, everything worked great!

@Bee I have a RP4, waiting for the touch screen linked in previous post.

I do not, at the moment, have a SO3 running CM as mine has a different controller. So I will be trying to setup CNCjs instead.

Rob, this is awesome! Thanks a lot!!
I’m using the rpi3b with original 7” touchscreen with ease! Small screen very practical in the shop!!


A bit of a tangent, but thought this a decent enough place to ask.

Haven’t installed CM yet, but plan to.

I have been using CNCjs for sometime, and I rather like the browser interface for control purposes. But I find that the RPi4 connected to the Shapeoko frequently locks up. I have not spent any time debugging this, but my casual observations suggest that the lockup occurs when I initially power the Shapeoko. Has anyone else experienced this?

I have Rpi’s on all manner of electronics, DAC’s, ADC’s, Audio Analyzer, 3D printers, Security Systems ect, all of which have never been unintentionally reset, turned off, or locked up to my knowledge.

We haven’t seen that but I’d like to keep this thread dedicated to RPi + CM. It’s definitely worth opening another thread for that question.

(Putting on my EE hat though, the RPi depends on a third party USB power supply, which can vary a lot from one vendor to another, so I’d try a different power supply supply as a first test.)

Thanks for the pic @Juan_Arroyo. That looks like it scaled much better on a real pi than on a small window on OSX.


I agree with @robgrz n the power supply. Running Octoprint on my 3D printers was problematic until I got a proper power supply… in my case the official RPi one.


Thank you Rob.

I have opened a fresh thread in the unsupported section.

Speaking to the suggestions above, I have official Raspberry Pi power supplies on all Rpi4’s, per the initial release suggestion.

Anyway, thank you for the CM on Pi effort. The RPi is a wonderful little tool for such activities.

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We just posted another build to Carbide Motion for the Raspberry Pi

  • (NEW) Layout change is Rapid Position window.
  • (NEW) Probing is now modal, not an embedded window.

This should be a little better on 7" screens and the Rapid and Probe screens should work. The Probing window is all new, has no graphics yet, and is untested as of right now but it “should work”.

Feel free to give it a try and see if it works better on your screen.


I love that Robgrz has been bitten by the tinkering bug. Before we know it they are going to be shipping a all Pi version of the Shapeoko!

You rock Robgrz.


@robgrz & @fenrus

Something I noticed in the latest image is that Carbide Motion is now listed in Office Applications and Graphics Applications. Other than that fantastic job on this build.


I may be missing something, but I cannot find a way to install updates after the initial config. The software installation tool does not offer any options. I am not used to running GUIs on Pi’s so I may be missing something. I was able to install updates via the command line, but I know some users are not that familiar with Debian Linux.

I can report that on my 7" monitor everything is working great. The resolution is 1024 x 600. I am on a Raspberry Pi 3B+, I have cut boxes and signs today, and since the latest version 529 came out I have used the bit setter and probe with out issue.

I have a small bug I think; however, not a show stopper at all.

  1. Steps to reproduce:
  2. Open a .nc file.
  3. Connect to the machine
  4. Home/Initialize
  5. Zero
  6. Realize that you set the bottom of the workpiece deeper than the wood you are about to cut on. Go back to Carbide Create, fix that. Move file on to PI by copy, not changing the name.
  7. Re-Load the file in Carbide Motion
  8. Crash

I tried to load the file twice without swapping it out as I did the first time and crashed as well.

My armchair developer self tells me that when a file with the same name is loaded something goes sideways and dumps the app.

I am moving the files via SSHFS on my own file structure but I am using fenrus’s image.


We’ll try to duplicate the problem tomorrow. As long as we can get the crash, we can fix it quickly.