Carbide Motion only supporting C2D files

For some reason Carbide motion won’t let me load a job. I have never had this problem before. It says that I am only able to load C2D files to Carbide motion. Does anyone know what is going on?

What file type are you trying to load? What version of motion?

I have version 6 of motion

I have version 6 of motion and version 7 of carbide create.

Where are you saving the file? Using what filename?

Could you let us know the complete filepath?

Is it to a local drive?

How are you saving/exporting the .c2d file?

Upload a file which has this problem here?

Thanks for the help. For some reason, it just started to work. I cannot explain how that problem started.

I have occasionally had files made in CC7 not load. I usually just load it again and it works. The wonders of computers.

I worked on computers since they came out. I worked on PCs, Mac and Unix and Linux machines and operating systems. For 20 years I worked for Sun and Oracle on enterprise computers. Some of the big machines take an hour or more to post.

I told my daughter to have my head stone carved with “Waited on Computers most of my Life”

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If you can post the file here, we’ll make sure it’s not corrupted in some way. If you cannot share it here, send it to

Either way, can you tell us the exact error message you got?

And just to correct a statement in the original post-

Carbide Motion can load G-code directly or C2D files from Carbide Create V7 or higher.


Hey, I can’t now. If it happens again I will post the screenshot of what happened.

I was in law enforcement in Canada. Our programs had 90s coding and we did a lot of waiting as well lol. I think that is the future for everyone with the way technology is going.

Hi Guy,Rob it happens to me randomly and all I do is quickly go into CC and rename it and then load into CM and all is good.I have not tried Guys way but will try next time it happens.I am on Mac book air m2 and SO3.

If you have a file that fails, send it to support for us to try.

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I’ve had this happen a couple of times to me as well, never thought much of it.
I just did the same as @gdon_2003 has done, simply reload it. Blame it on the weather… lol.

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