I’m new to this. I creaed a small file in carbide create, it was saved as a .c2d file. The file will not load in carbide Motion, what am I doing wrong?
I can’t find a reference.
There’re some additional steps you need to do:
- CAM — assign toolpaths which you might need
To do this:
- select the path
- click on the Toolpath button
- click on either Contour or V-Carve
- fill in appropriate settings and click OK
Then you will need to export to G-code:
- click on Toolpath (if necessary, also if need be, scroll down to the bottom — I have to do that)
- click on the Save Gcode button
- provide a file name
It’s that .egc file which you will be able to open in Carbide Motion.
The two walkthroughs for a coaster at: http://carbide3d.com/carbidecreate/video/ should cover that in detail.
Thank you,
I think I found the problem, I hadn’t set the pass depth.
Thanks for you help!
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