I’ve been enjoying the heck out of my Nomad 3 and while I do as good of a cleanout as possible after every job with a shop vac, it looks like I need to do more…
Is there a Nomad 3 cleaning guide available with dos and don’ts? I’d like to keep my mill clean and running well for a long time.
Any updated recommendations from this 4 year old posting?
Ok, is Super Lube 51004 still the recommended lubricant to apply to Nomad 3 rails and lead screws after wiping them down? If so, how should it be applied?
Sorry for being pedantic Luke, but while this is all new to me, I have discovered the hard way that it’s better to ask a lot of stupid questions than to make stupid mistakes.
Brush type recommendations for a easier and better cleaning?
For the Mobil Vactra #2 oil (smaller bottle at Amazon site), what is the recommended way to apply it onto the rails (every 6 months or so)?
Currently, my x-axis lead screw has a clear grease on it (has buildup at right x-axis limit). Is this grease I’m currently seeing the recommended Super Lube or is it something else that the factory is using when assembling the Nomad 3?