I have had plenty of problems with Carbide Motion. If someone can help, I would appreciate the advice.
Here is a list:
Problem 1: The program quits almost every time I use it. A screen pops up and reads “Cutter not Responding”. Another message pops up often stating “Missing Port”. This usually happens anytime between 15% -99% of cutting job. It randomly stops pretty much all the time, why doe this happen?
{N.B The frustrating part is that I can’t re-start it from the last point because it pretty much doesn’t have any memory after it quits.}
Problem 2: Pop-up Message now reads “Machine Parameter invalid” which makes no sense as the cutter is within the cutting parameters.
Problem 3: The file on carbide doesn’t exist, it completely vanishes, see image. For this, the cut was at around 20% of completion. The settings don’t even allowing me to even pause, quit, jog or do anything else. HELP!!!
Random thought: I chased my tail for a few days on why I was getting all these disconnects from GRBL (using both CM and grblpanel). Turns out, drumroll… Loose USB port on my laptop! Switched to another, all issues gone.