Cat Condo for Christmas

I made a cat condo from a Woodsmith plan. The front and vents were cut out on my SO3. The baskets are made like a segmented bowl. The construction is done but I have not gotten the polyurethane on it yet.

Not sure if I will get it ready for Christmas but will try. The cats wont know the difference. Spiced walnut stain and dark green paint on plywood for the cat cubby at the bottom.

Made it from an oak tree that died last year in front of my shop. Had the tree cut down and cut into 2" slabs.


Looks great and gotta love free wood.

The tree was on my property but it cost $1600.00 to get it cut down. The tree cutter had to use a crane because it was too close to the electric lines, house and fence. Then it only cost me $200.00 to get it cut into 2" slabs by a friend. So “Cheap” but not free. Unfortunately nothing is “Free”. :crazy_face:

Here is the finished Cat Condo with one of the cats in the top basket.


Well it looks great and it looks appreciated! :+1:t2: