I downloaded the CC 623 update today and have used all of its functions throughout the day and all is well. However I use the copy function a lot by using the CTRL C command. I cant get it to work after doing all of the normal things like closing and opening the program, shutting my computer off, uninstalling and reinstalling the update. Im no computer guy and im sure its simple. Anyone have this issue and have a fix?

Control-C works fine for me in CC 623 - that should just copy it - you need to hit control-V to paste it and they changed this as it pastes wherever the cursor is moved to, which is pretty cool. They also have a neat new Control D for duplicate that gives you options. Does Control D work for you?


Well ill be, I was so used to all the last versions I did not even trying pasting it,. I am not sure I like that but im sure it will become the norm. and yes, the CNTRL D does work and is cool. I looked all over for this info and you fixed y issue in 30 sec. Thanks a bunch

At first I wasn’t sure about the change either but the fact that you paste wherever the cursor is, is a nice change.

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You may also go to edit, select copy, then paste

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After playing around with it last night for a little bit I agree. I actually like it other than it is another step with your left hand that wasn’t needed before. I suppose everyone can find something to whine about and then I think bigger and just appreciate Carbide 3D providing the software to us free. So there you go, I have no need to whine and someone in here always has the fix. Great community to be a part of. Thanks

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I love the Ctrl-D much better than Ctrl-C. Once you click it you can paste any number of copies you want.
I use this on my last project with a bunch of Dog Holes and just hovered over where I wanted it and clicked a bunch of times and bang a bunch of pocket holes.


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