Circles at even intervals on diverging rays

I have looked and I think it cannot be done with CC, but I want to ask anyhow. Imagine a wagon wheel with spokes that are evenly spaced. You want to place circles along each spoke at even intervals from the central node. There are enough spokes that placing circles indvidually and somehow manually spacing them is not reasonable. It would work to create a single ray with circles evenly spaced if copies could be attached to the central node at specified diverging angles. Anybody got any ideas?

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Is this what you are envisioning?

This would be done in two steps:

  • Linear Array to make the spokes:


  • Circular Array to arrange them:

adjusting as desired:


Thank you. I will give this a try,

Yes, something like this. Will Adams below has some instruction. It’s nmot my day job so I will look when I’m off the clock. Thank you.

It worked well, Thank you, I was making it more difficult by how I approached the various elements. Still a lot to learn. Thanks again.