Closing arc in CC

Hello guys,

I am trying to make this handle in CC and its seems pretty straight forward, but i can’t seem to make the arcs or work like i want them too. I drew up the paddle in Autocad and converted it to a dxf. It has left the rounded corners and fillets open.

I tried to create this same object in CC but i could never get the circles and rectangles to cooperate using one of the boolean options.

Any help is appreciated

I have attached the CC file.

Paddle Template.c2d (38.4 KB)

Unfortunately, Carbide Create doesn’t have an option to join open paths with closed, or multiple open objects into a closed object.

Would you please send the source file in to us at That import is wrong in ways which it might be useful to have a developer look into.

Easiest way to fix this in Carbide Create would be to:

  • delete all the open (magenta) paths

  • draw in a polyline which describes all the missing parts:

  • select it and all the curves which make up the outer rounding:

  • Boolean union:

  • Select the shape and shift-click on one of the inner roundings so that it is the key object (dashed selection) and Boolean Subtract:

It should be pretty easy to draw this in Carbide Create — you’d just need two rounded rectangles unioned, and a second one rotated, duped, mirrored and subtracted twice.


Thanks Will. I was able to do that like you showed. I did send the file. If i could get some feedback after the developer looks at it, that would be great!!!

Thanks again.


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