CM Beta 620: What is the "feature flag system"?

I don’t have a machine near me to look…was wondering what this was…saw it in the release notes.

Bumped to you, @robgrz Is there someplace where the release is described…and this feature is discussed?


I am pretty sure that this is an internal aspect of architecture.

Since the Shapeoko 5 Pro has a feature which no other machine has (Y2 homing switch) it was necessary to add a data structure in the program which tracks what features are specific to what machine.

Feature flags, generally, are a tool software developers can use to gracefully enable/disable features of a product. This allows developers to roll out potentially breaking features turned off and turn them on when they feel safe in doing so, or to a select few to test. Also is a manner to roll back a feature that was thought to be safe that turns out to break things.

So this is likely a tool to make @robgrz’s life easier and not functionality for us users.

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