So, this may be a stupid question but I can’t seem to find the answer (the search turned up no results and the Carbide Motion online documentation appears to be for CM v4)…
I have everything updated to Carbide Motion v5.21 with grbl v1.1f (coming from CM v3.68 with grbl 0.9), on Windows10 and I don’t see a way to initiate the homing cycle after the machine has initialized and gone through that process at CM startup…
If I were to run a job and somehow lose a step or two (due to operator mis-judgement), how would I re-home the machine without restarting Carbide Motion?
Version 3 had a dedicated onscreen button for this, but I haven’t seen anything like that in the new interface. Also, the documentation states that you can directly input coordinate values somewhere, but I haven’t discovered where that would happen yet (and I think the documentation/wiki is geared towards v4), not that that would solve my problem of manually initiating the homing cycle…
Ok, diving into the grbl v1.1 MDI commands has yielded the “$H” command for the homing cycle. Definitely not as accessible as a dedicated interface button on the Jog page, but at least now I know how to manually initiate the homing cycle if needed…
I tried this ("$$") and I can’t tell if it did anything other than output the machine settings to the log. But “$H” did work for initiating the ‘homing cycle’, I still miss the dedicated button on the rapid positioning tab…